Evelyn J Boettcher



  • Master of Science: Physics (2000)
    • University of Maryland, College Park, MD
  • Bachelor of Science: Physics, Highest Honors (1997)
    • University of Florida, Gainesville, FL


  • Machine Learning and Data Science:
    • Processing and analysis of large data
    • ETL: Sensor data to algorithm to decision
    • Developed ML algorithms for target feature extraction and prediction
  • Teaching:
    • Developed customized Python courses
    • Promoted STEM through free workshops
  • Skills:
    • Integrated hardware development & hardware prototyping
    • API development, algorithm analysis & development
    • Image metrology: Camera calibration & measure extraction
    • Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab
  • Sensors:
    • Magnetic, Thermal (MWIR, LWIR, passive mmW), SWIR
    • Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI), LiDAR, Visible Imaging and Video (FMV)
  • Programming:
    • Software: Python, JavaScript/HTML, bash, C, Tensorflow,
    • Image and Video Processing: Python, JavaScript, MatLab, GIMP, ImageJ
    • Design: OpenScad, InkScape, Eagle
    • Web Development: Quarto, Flask, 11ty, Jekyll
  • Systems:
    • Linux, CentOS, Arduino, EPS32, Raspberry Pi, Docker
  • Community Engagement:
    • GemCityML: Founded and leads a monthly AI/ML group
    • GemCity TECH: Board Member
    • Google Women Tech Maker Ambassador


AFRL March 2024 - Present

Sr. Physicist / Program Engineer

  • Program Engineer in Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Leading an effort within a thrust. Manages contracts and leading both internal and external research efforts.
  • Founding member in an AFRL LLM Working group and Leads a Machine Learning group both has members that span multiple divisions within a AFRL group.
  • Leading an overhaul of a software capability. Coordinating with multiple stakeholders and drafting changes to be implemented.

BlueHalo - 2022 – Feb 2024

Senior Principal Scientist

  • Automated Line of Sight (LOS) analysts' report creation. Developed application and tested on production system via a micro service. First implemented micro service within group.
  • Automation involved implementation of multiple algorithms from Neural Networks (NN), clustering, linear regression to clean and filter raw sensor data to retrack, stitch and characterize/identify track and track objects.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop technical content for business proposals for sensor technology projects.
  • Authored comprehensive white papers detailing the findings and implications of AI for automation and sensor detection.

DiDacTex, LLC - May 2014 – Present

Founder / Principal

  • Built AFIT ANT Center’s first MagInABox (mag nav system) and tested it on a C17
  • Magnetic Navigation: Designed, built and tested a magnetic navigation sensor system. Involved designing PCB boards, programming micro processors (C) and created a visualization system (Python) to detect magnetic fields. Her sensor system is currently being flown.
  • Python Course: Developed and taught two different python courses customized to AFIT’s needs. Students learned a range of skills including how to code an algorithm from a paper.
  • Provided SME for a wide range of fields: Python, EO and Thermal Sensing, Git and AWS for AFRL Sensor Directorate
  • UAS Detection from a LiDAR sensor using IP cameras. Wrote the video processing capture that streamed from IP cameras. Processed the images to detect the UAS in python.
  • Processed LWIR HSI data to feed into DARPA’s InSight system
  • Simulated LiDAR image using ROS (Robot OS) that where then used to train a LiDAR ML algorithm and run the LiDAR ML algorithm in a simulated environment.
  • Developed a client side web application to render 3D models for AFRL’s Target Model Library
  • Developed and published android applications for DiDacTex’s internal efforts
  • Maintainer and Feature Developer to AFRL Visual Annotator (AVA) truthing tool
  • Works closely with AFRL customer to develop and standardize a new research development
  • Technical lead for a new research areas withing AFRL which successfully, integrated automatic target recognition software from a variety of languages and modalities
  • Wrote and presented presentations at classified conferences: MSS and ATRWG

InfoSciTex (a DCS Corporation) - Sept. 2012- April 2015

Physicist / Technical Leader

  • Led the Automatic Human Threat Detection group for AFRL’s Human MASINT program
  • Conducted research on automatic classification of humans in EO imagery and Radar signatures

Jacobs - Sept. 2011-Sept. 2012


  • Conducted research on Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI) at Wright Patterson AFB

DCS Corporation - OCT. 2006- April 2010

Electrical Engineer III

  • Provided engineering support to the Modeling and Simulation Division in Field Performance Branch
  • Conducted various tests on human perception and sensor performance

C-COR (Optinel Systems, Inc.) - Aug. 2000-March 2003

Electico-Optical Engineer

  • Acquired two patents as lead investigator
  • Produced and shipped the first Fiber Gratings to customers


  • Gem City Tech ML/AI: Runs a Dayton, OH local meet-up for machine learning and AI professionals
  • Co-hosted a Django Girls workshop in Dayton, OH
  • DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate (2022)
  • Various certifications in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing


  • “Create an Intermittent Fan Controller with Python” (Sept. 2022)
  • “Modeling Passive Millimeter Wave Imaging Sensor Performance for Discriminating Small Watercraft” (2010)
  • “Experimental Determination of Visibility Modeling Parameters for Aircraft” (2010)
  • “New Target Acquisition Task for Contemporary Operating Environments: Personnel in MWIR, LWIR, and SWIR” (2010)
  • “Human Activity Discrimination for Maritime Application” (2008)
  • Patents: #6,738,536 and #6,944,372


  • Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning, 2022
  • Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow, 2022
  • Scripting with Python and SQL for Data Engineers, 2022

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