This is a small collection things I wrote for fun.
They are not included in publications.
Publications are my published public academic / industry papers.
One Twenty One
A multiplication version of 21 / BlackJack. The game is designed to help the user increase their ability to do mental math. All cards are multiplied together. There is one addition that you can place anywhere between the cards.
Game invented, designed and built by Evelyn J. Boettcher
This is Four
A short picture book, (before I knew about inkscape) on how to multiply any two numbers less than 10 on your fingers. The trick is to use bases other than base 10.

Where are you from
This poem was imspired by Amanda Gorman. She had the same speech impediment that I had, however while I turned away from language she embraced it.
Ode to PyLint
Cloud Haiku entry to kick start HackOtober Fest!

Processing large data with Pandas
Data sets can get large quickly. You can quickly go from looking at: