Tutorials - Evelyn J. Boettcher

Public Talks and Tutorials

Evelyn Wyso

ML/AI Talk

Science Saturday

Unicorn Poo

Unicorn Poo

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) when mixed with a yeast (a catalyst) produces Water (H2O), Oxygen (O) and HEAT. By adding soap, we can capture the Oxygen

Plasma with Grapes

Generate a Plasma with Grapes

Demystify the fourth state of mater: plasma. WARNING: This may destroy your microwave

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Water Electrolysis

Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas due to the passage of an electric current.

Backyard science with common household equipment. Goal is to show that science is:

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Math Tutorials


2 minute read

Conics in mathematics and geometry in particular is an import concept to understand.

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Physics Tutorials

Coin Battery

7 minute read

We can turn pocket change into a battery that can power a light!


2 minute read

Conics in mathematics and geometry in particular is an import concept to understand.

Food Dye Experiment

1 minute read

This experiment shows the difference in how food dye acts when in cold water and hot water.

Glow Water

1 minute read

This sounded AWESOME: Physics and Chemistry combined. Nifty visible proof in why we need physics and why we need quantum mechanics.

Jello Lasers

1 minute read

Not quite Sharks With Lasers. However, jello makes an excellent medium that kids can use to design and create lenses to explore properties of light.

Plasma with Grapes

3 minute read

WARNING: THIS MAY DESTROY YOUR MICROWAVE. Generate a plasma with grapes!

Elephant Soap / Unicorn Poo

3 minute read

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) when mixed with a yeast (a catalyst) produces Water (H2O), Oxygen (O) and HEAT. By adding soap, we can capture the Oxygen to create ...


2 minute read

Before the periodic table was made and ~ 30 years before it was found on Earth, scientist predicted that Helium must exist by looking at the light the sun em...

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Chemistry Tutorials

CO2 Solubility

1 minute read

This experiment, like the sugar solubility, is about the the solubility of things, Instead of solids its gases and how they differ when it comes to solubilit...

Coin Battery

7 minute read

We can turn pocket change into a battery that can power a light!

Glow Water

1 minute read

This sounded AWESOME: Physics and Chemistry combined. Nifty visible proof in why we need physics and why we need quantum mechanics.

Dry Ice Ice Cream

6 minute read

Dry ice ice cream is a quick easy way to make Ice Cream. and learn a little food science. Bonus, the ice cream can become carbonated with this method too.

Solutions and Mixtures

1 minute read

This experiment is about finding the difference in materials, when the mix into water. You will see some materials make solutions and others mixtures.

Elephant Soap / Unicorn Poo

3 minute read

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) when mixed with a yeast (a catalyst) produces Water (H2O), Oxygen (O) and HEAT. By adding soap, we can capture the Oxygen to create ...


2 minute read

DANGEROUS Give kids first hand experience with chemical properties.

Sugar Solubility

1 minute read

This is an experiment about the saturation point of solids in liquids (specifically water and sugar). This is in contrast to gases in liquids. Co2 Solubility

Water Electrolysis

1 minute read

Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas due to the passage of an electric current. The reaction has a standard poten...


2 minute read

Before the periodic table was made and ~ 30 years before it was found on Earth, scientist predicted that Helium must exist by looking at the light the sun em...

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Coding Tutorials


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Posts 2020

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